Erlebnisse, Eindrücke und Gedanken aus meiner Zeit an der BSSM (Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry) in Redding, CA von 2018 bis 2020.

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Recently, someone told me that one of my most defining characteristics is friendship. And while there is more to that particular event, if anyone had said that about me 8 years ago, I would have laughed. Thomas has no friends is what I was told too many times. Back then, this statement wasn't true in its absolute form, but I was certainly not working to be a good friend – quite opposite, I'd put in a lot of effort to proof my lack of friends to be a superior trait.

18. Mai 2020

3rd of October

Germany. Recently, God has told me a lot about you. Today we celebrate your unification. A country with a torn identity.

03. Oktober 2019
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